'use strict'
const IDb = require('../idb')
const Hoek = require('@hapi/hoek')
const zango = require('zangodb')
const reach = require('../../utils/reach')
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid')
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4')
const MongoQuery = require('../mongo-query')
const { promisfy } = require('promisfy')
const debug = require('debug')('bouncer.db.zango-db')
* Ideal for frontend apps with large datasets (larger then total RAM). This is an IndexedDb based driver so it span to nearly 1/3 of total system storage spave available to the browser/app.
* @class module:Db.ZangoDb
* @extends {module:Db.IDb}
* @link module:Db
* @see module:Party.ZangoParty
module.exports = class ZangoDb extends IDb {
constructor ({dbname, factory, useUuid}) {
this.zango = null
this.dbname = dbname
this.error = null
this.useUuid = (useUuid==undefined) ? true : useUuid
async start(){
let collectionSettings = {}
for(const name of this.factory.getValidators()){
debug('creating collection', name)
const indexSettings = reach(this.factory, 'schemas.IndexSettings.'+name)
const indices = ['$meta.id'].concat(indexSettings.unique).concat(indexSettings.indices)
collectionSettings[this.prefix+name] = indices.length > 0 ? indices : true
debug('dbname',this.dbname, collectionSettings)
this.zango = new zango.Db(this.dbname, collectionSettings)
async getCollectionNames(){
const names = this.factory.getValidators()
return names.map(name=>{return name.replace(this.prefix,'')})
async getCollection(name){
let collection = this.zango.collection(this.prefix+name)
return collection
/** convert db documnet to plain object with $meta field */
let obj = Object.assign({},doc)
obj.$meta = {
id: Hoek.reach(obj,'meta.id', {default: obj._id}),
type: Hoek.reach(doc,'meta.type'),
created: Hoek.reach(obj,'meta.created', {default: (new Date()).toISOString()}),
revision: Hoek.reach(obj,'meta.revision', {default: 1}),
removed: Hoek.reach(obj,'meta.removed')
delete obj.meta
delete obj._id
return obj
/** convert object with $meta field to db representation*/
let doc = Object.assign({},obj)
doc._id = Hoek.reach(obj,'$meta.id', {default: obj._id}),
doc.meta = {
id: Hoek.reach(obj,'$meta.id', {default: obj._id}),
type: Hoek.reach(obj,'$meta.type'),
created: Hoek.reach(obj,'$meta.created', {default: (new Date()).toISOString()}),
revision: Hoek.reach(obj,'$meta.revision', {default: 1}),
removed: Hoek.reach(obj,'$meta.removed')
delete doc.$meta
return doc
let temp = {...obj}
temp.$meta.id = uuidv4()
temp.$meta.id = (new ObjectId()).toHexString()
let dbDoc = this.documentFromObject(temp)
return dbDoc
async find(collectionName, mongoQuery){
let query = mongoQuery.getQueryDoc()
debug('find collection=', collectionName, ' query=', JSON.stringify(query,null,2))
let collection = await this.getCollection(collectionName)
let resultSet = collection.find(query)
resultSet = resultSet.limit(mongoQuery.getLimit())
resultSet = resultSet.sort( mongoQuery.getSort() )
return (await resultSet.toArray()).map(this.documentToObject) || []
async insertMany(collectionName, docs){
debug('insert collection=', collectionName, ' docs=', JSON.stringify(docs,null,2))
let collection = await this.getCollection(collectionName)
let resultSet = []
for(let obj of docs){
let temp = {...obj}
if(temp._id===undefined){ temp._id = (new ObjectId()).toString(); temp.$meta.id=temp._id; }
let dbDoc = this.documentFromObject(temp)
const stripped = this.stripMeta(temp)
debug('validating', stripped,'from', temp)
await this.factory.validate(collectionName, stripped)
debug('its good, inserting', dbDoc)
await collection.insert( dbDoc )
debug('inserted', dbDoc)
const finalObj = this.documentToObject(dbDoc)
debug('returning', finalObj)
this.emitChange(finalObj, 'create')
return resultSet
async update(collectionName, docs){
debug('update collection', collectionName, ' docs', docs)
let collection = await this.getCollection(collectionName)
let objs = []
for(let obj of docs){
let dbDoc = this.documentFromObject(obj)
debug('updating',obj, 'to', dbDoc)
const stripped = this.stripMeta(dbDoc)
const meta = this.onlyMeta(obj)
debug('validating', stripped,'from', dbDoc)
await this.factory.validate(collectionName, stripped)
debug('its good, updating', dbDoc)
let old = await collection.findOne( {'_id': dbDoc._id})
debug('found old', old)
dbDoc.meta.revision = old.meta.revision++
let mergedDoc = {...old, ...dbDoc}
await collection.update({'_id': dbDoc._id}, mergedDoc)
const finalObj = this.documentToObject(mergedDoc)
this.emitChange(finalObj, 'update')
objs.push( finalObj )
return objs
async findAndRemove(collectionName, obj){
debug('findAndRemove collection', collectionName, ' obj', obj)
let collection = await this.getCollection(collectionName)
const dbDoc = await collection.findOne( {'_id': obj.$meta.id})
debug('found old doc', dbDoc)
await collection.remove( { '_id': obj.$meta.id } )
debug('dbDoc', dbDoc)
let finalObj = this.documentToObject(dbDoc)
finalObj.$meta.removed = true
this.emitChange(finalObj, 'remove')
debug('obj', finalObj)
return finalObj