'use strict'
const reach = require('../utils/reach')
const debug = require('debug')('dataparty.idocument')
const EventEmitter = require('eventemitter3')
const objectHasher = require('node-object-hash').hasher()
class IDocument extends EventEmitter {
* Represents a document with caching and local+remote change notifications
* @class module:Party.IDocument
* @extends EventEmitter
* @link module.Party
* @param {object} options
* @param {DataParty} options.party
* @param {string} options.id
* @param {string} options.type
* @param {object} options.data
* @param {boolean} options.followcache
constructor({party, type, id, data, followcache}){
this.party = party
this.watchSub = undefined
this.watchedFields = {}
this.watchedFilters = {}
this.autopull = true //! If we detect a cloud change should we copy into the local cache?
this.flushcache = true //! If we detect a cloud change should we flush the local cache?
this.followcache = followcache !== undefined ? followcache: true //! Watch document for local changes
debug('document', type, id, data)
this._data = {
$meta: {id, type, ...data.$meta}
this.party.cache.on(this.idString, this._handleCacheEvent.bind(this))
* Document mongo-id
* @member module:Party.IDocument.id
* @type {string}
get id(){ return reach(this._data, '$meta.id') }
* Document type string
* @member module:Party.IDocument.type
* @type {string}
get type(){ return reach(this._data, '$meta.type') }
* Document revision string
* @member module:Party.IDocument.revision
* @type {string}
get revision(){ return reach(this._data, '$meta.revision') }
static get DocumentSchema(){
return 'document'
* @typedef {Object} IdObj
* @property {string} id mongo-id or UUID
* @property {string} type Document type
* Document id object
* @member module:Party.IDocument.idObj
* @type {IdObj}
get idObj(){
return {
id: this.id,
type: this.type
* Document id string in format `<type>:<mongo-id>`
* @member module:Party.IDocument.idString
* @type {sting}
get idString() { return this.type + ':' + this.id }
* @method module:Party.IDocument.getData
getData(){ return this._data }
* entire document
* @member module:Party.IDocument.data
* @type {object}
get data(){ return this._data }
* document data with no library added fields
* @member module:Party.IDocument.cleanData
* @type {object}
get cleanData(){
const {$meta, ...obj} = this._data
return obj
* hash of `document.data` using sha256
* @member module:Party.IDocument.hash
* @type {object}
get hash(){
return objectHasher.hash(this.data)
* @async
* Merge fields into document
* @method module:Party.IDocument.mergeData
* @param {object} input
* @returns {object}
async mergeData(input){
return await this.setData(Object.assign({}, this.data, input))
* @async
* Set entire document
* @method module:Party.IDocument.setData
* @param {object} input
* @returns {object}
async setData(input){
debug('setData start')
let valid = await this.party.factory.validate(this.type, input)
debug('setData done')
this._data = valid
* @async
* Saves document changes to remote party
* @method module:Party.IDocument.save
async save(){
const value = Object.assign({}, this.data)
debug('asign data')
await this.setData(value)
debug('data set')
const expectedRevision = reach(this.data, '$meta.revision', -1) + 1
const rawDocument = (await this.party.update(value))[0]
debug('doc updated')
if(expectedRevision != reach(rawDocument, '$meta.revision')){
await this.pull()
* @async
* @method module:Party.IDocument.create
* @param {moddule:Party.IParty} party
* @param {*} document
* @returns
static async create(party, {type, id, data}){
debug('creating document ', type, id)
const rawDocuments = (await party.create(type, data))
debug('hydrating', rawDocuments)
return (await party.factory.hydrate(rawDocuments))[0]
/*const docs = (await party.find()
return docs[0]*/
* @async
* @method module:Party.IDocument.remove
async remove(){
debug('removing document ', this.type, this.id)
//this.emit('remove', this)
return this.party.remove(this.data)
* @async
* Download document changes from party
* @method module:Party.IDocument.pull
* @param {boolean} flushcache Update local cache as well
async pull (flushcache) {
// debug('this is :', this)
debug('pulling', this.idString)
if (!this.type){
throw new Error('type undefined')
debug('pull', this.data)
const typeCache = '' + this.type
if (flushcache && this.party.cache){
this.party.cache.remove(this.type, this.id)
debug('pull type -', this.type)
return this.party.find()
.then(docs => {
this._data = docs[0].data
debug('pull found', docs)
return this
* @async
* Watches document for remote changes.
* @method module:Party.IDocument.watch
* @param {boolean} autopull
* @param {boolean} flushcache
* @param {function=} cb Optional Change event callback function
* @fires module:Party.IDocument#change
async watch(autopull, flushcache, cb){
if(cb){ this.on('change', cb) }
if([true,false].indexOf(autopull) < 0 && [true,false].indexOf(this.autopull) < 0){ this.autopull = true }
if([true,false].indexOf(flushcache) < 0 && [true,false].indexOf(this.flushcache) < 0){ this.flushcache = true }
if([true,false].indexOf(autopull) > -1){ this.autopull = autopull }
if([true,false].indexOf(flushcache) > -1){ this.flushcache = flushcache }
if (this.watchSub){ return }
const ros = this.party.comms.ros
const watchPath = '/dataparty/document/' + this.type + '/' + this.id
debug('watch document', watchPath)
this.watchSub = new this.party.ROSLIB.Topic({
ros: ros,
name: watchPath,
messageType: 'dataparty/DocumentChange'
* Stop watching for remote document changes
* @method module:Party.IDocument.unwatch
* @param {function=} cb Optional Change event callback function
async unwatch(cb){
if(cb){ this.off('change', cb) }
this.autopull = undefined
this.flushcache = undefined
if(!this.watchSub){ return }
this.watchSub = undefined
* Watch a field for changes. If `value` is supplied watches
* for field and `value` to match.
* @method module:Party.IDocument.watchField
* @param {string} field Field path to watch for changes
* @param {*=} value Match value
* @param {function} cb Callback function
* @fires module:Party.IDocument#field
async watchField(field, value, cb){
this.watchedFields[field] = (value == undefined) ? true : {'$eq': value}
if(cb){ this.on('field.'+field, cb) }
if(!this.watchSub){ return this.watch() }
async unwatchField(field, cb){
this.watchedFields[field] = undefined
delete this.watchedFields[field]
if(cb){ this.off('field.'+field, cb) }
debug(`document changed ${this.watchSub.name} `, message)
if (this.autopull){ this.pull.bind(this)(this.flushcache) }
* Document change Event - This is event is triggered when a document has been
* modified on the remote service
* @event module:Party.IDocument#change
* @type {object}
this.emit('change', message)
debug('cache event', this.idString, event)
const newMsg = this.party.cache.findById(this.type, this.id)
const oldMsg = Object.assign({}, this.getData())
debug('new message', event.event, newMsg)
switch (event.event){
case 'remove':
case 'update':
case 'create':
if(this.followcache && event.event !== 'remove'){
this._data = newMsg
* Document value Event - This event is triggered after a change has been
* applied to the backing cache of `Document.data`. Only fired when `Document.followcache`
* is true.
* @event module:Party.IDocument#value
* @type {Document}
this.emit('value', this)
* @typedef {module:Party.IDocumentEvent}
* @property {module:Party.IDocument} doc the changed document
* @property {object} new the new document data
* @property {object} old the old document data
* Document create Event - This event is triggered after a document has been created and
* applied to the backing cache of `Document.data`. If `Document.followcache`
* is true the document `doc` has also accepted the change.
* @event module:Party.IDocument#create
* @type {module:Party.IDocument.Event}
* Document update Event - This event is triggered after a change has been
* applied to the backing cache of `Document.data`. If `Document.followcache`
* is true the document `doc` has also accepted the change.
* @event module:Party.IDocument#update
* @type {module:Party.IDocument.Event}
* Document remove Event - This event is triggered after a document has been removed and
* applied to the backing cache of `Document.data`. If `Document.followcache`
* is true the document `doc` has also accepted the change.
* @event module:Party.IDocument#remove
* @type {module:Party.IDocument.Event}
this.emit(event.event, {new: newMsg, old: oldMsg, doc: this})
if(this.watchedFields && Object.keys(this.watchedFields).length > 0){
// Emit field level changes
for(const field in this.watchedFields){
const expected = this.watchedFields[field]
const oldVal = JSON.stringify(reach(oldMsg, field))
const newVal = JSON.stringify(reach(newMsg, field))
if(oldVal !== newVal){
// TODO: Should we do both raising and falling edge detection? Should it be configurable?
if( (typeof expected == 'object' && newVal != JSON.stringify(expected.$eq))) /* &&
(typeof expected == 'object' && oldVal != JSON.stringify(expected.$eq))) */
{ continue }
* Field change event. This is emitted as `field.[FIELD_PATH]`
* @event module:Party.IDocument#field
* @type {object}
* @property doc The changed document
* @property field The changed FIELDPATH
* @property old The old field value
* @property new The new field value
* @property expected The expected field value
this.emit('field.'+field, {
doc: doc,
field: field,
old: reach(oldMsg, field),
new: reach(newMsg, field)
debug('unexpected event', event, this)
module.exports = IDocument